
I started Life's a Bear when my son, Benjamin Jasper, was about six months old. It seemed like a good place to record his milestones as well as my own milestones: I was working on my dissertation and needed a place to write like a normal person. When Benny was smaller, we called him Mr. Bear. I'm not sure how the nickname started, but it stuck.

My life, as a parent, as a wife, as a scholar, as a human, is mostly good. In fact, it's mostly great. But it can be frustrating and uninteresting and downright hard. I have recorded a lot of history here. I wrote about my experience with postpartum depression, earning my dissertation, buying a house, starting a garden, giving birth naturally and many other activities and events in my life. I've also recorded many developments and stories about Benny. And then, I added Lila Marie to the mix in 2010.

I am a (sometimes) runner (Bozeman Half-Marathon, 2000, Des Moines Half-Marathon, 2002, Austin Half-Marathon, 2005, Chicago Marathon, 2006, Rocky Mountain Half-Marathon, 2010, Denver Half-Marathon, 2010, Slacker Half-Marathon, 2012, Denver Rock 'n Roll Half-Marathon, 2013 and countless 5Ks, 10Ks and 10-mile races). I am hard on myself when it comes to living a sustainable life. I have recently renewed my passion for biking and cooking things from scratch. I write about both topics frequently.

I started Struckman Consulting in 2012. Operating a small (incredibly small) business has been a real learning process. So far, it's going well. I am also an adjunct professor at the University of Denver in the Media, Film & Journalism Studies Department. I don't often write about my professional life on my blog, but it pops up here and there.

Thanks for visiting Life's a Bear!

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