20 March 2013

The Spring Garden

Spring is such a positive happy time. Then again, every turning of the season is a positive happy time. I love that just when I'm getting sick of the weather, it changes again. Too hot in the summer, well hello fall! Too cold in the winter, well hello spring! Of course, I could certainly live in an area with just spring and fall, but that's probably too much to ask.

When we moved into our house in the fall nearly five years ago, we didn't know what kind of surprises awaited us in the spring. Turns out that there were irises everywhere and a few tulips scattered about. In the past few years, we've completely overhauled the backyard and tried to replant the bulbs with varying success. We've also added some perennials from a neighbor and a few extra bulbs that we found on sale last fall.

In the past few weeks, the bulbs have popped up - little green stems and leaves with a promise of color very soon. Today Lila and I checked under the brown foliage all over the yard and found new green growth - even on all of the transplanted perennials from last fall.

Nate's work in the fall and winter to prepare the garden is paying off now too. The garlic bulbs are popping up and the spinach and lettuce that have been waiting for warmer temperatures to grow and producing slightly larger leaves. The strawberry plants are already green and expanding into new areas and the rhubarb we thought was dead is popping up as well.

In other spring news, I'm itching to get more runs in now that I'm well and not teaching. I took an unplanned two-month break from winter running thanks to busy scheduling and sickness. But now I'm back - just in time for perfect running weather!

Happy first day of spring! May the days get ever warmer (and less snowy).

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