25 January 2012

FREE Books

When I was planning my syllabus for this quarter, I was shocked about the price of books. Apparently, I blocked that reality of grad school from my memory. I wondered how the hell I was going to afford the books for the quarter (over $150 - yikes, sorry students!). I've never actually planned my own class. Other professors planned the course schedule and I was a lowly TA. So, I never knew about the "desk copy" concept.

Here's how it works... Consider books for a class and go to a publisher's website. Each publisher has an option for a desk or examination copy. Obviously, not just anyone can order these books. I need all sorts of information to order these copies. But, get this ... I put in an order for a desk copy for my books this quarter and BOOM! they arrived within two weeks. So freaking cool.

I just put in my order for the spring quarter. Do you know what I'm getting for FREE??? The Whole World Is Watching by Todd Gitlin, Radical Media by Robert Downing and Global Activism, Global Media by Lievrau. Do you know how excited I am about this??? This Activist Media class is going to be so kick ass.

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