23 April 2012

Green Means Good: Happy Earth Day!

Although Green Means Good has been spotty lately, I feel compelled to write something, anything for Earth Day. We didn't do anything yesterday to mark the occasion. We were all too tired from the past month (report out on the Children's Center Gala coming soon!).

However, somewhat serendipitously, we dug my bike out of the garage, along with the new, used Burley bike trailer and went for our first family bike ride (minus Nate). About two blocks into the ride, Benny said, "This is SO much fun!" He had an enormous smile on his face.

I used to ride my bike quite often. I forgot how pleasant it can be to just ride down the street, no worries or hurries. Couple that with riding with your kids and the enjoyment factor increases exponentially.

It seems fitting that we took our first family bike ride on Earth Day. Nate and I are both committed to riding more and driving less. It just took Benny to start riding to spur us into action!

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