03 January 2013

Back at It and Out of the Groove

Today marks the end of the holiday vacation. Both kids are back in daycare and I have a long list of items I need to tackle. In less than two weeks, I have fallen way out of the groove. We didn't leave the house until 8 this morning, I nearly forgot Lila's lunch AND tuition for the month. It's going to be rough getting back into the groove - especially considering that I have more hours to bill  this month and I start teaching again next week. And, I'm going to try to do it all without increasing hours at daycare. I may have to budge a bit on that.

The good news is that I was able to hop on the bike briefly yesterday. Benny had a play date, so I bundled the kids up and rode about a mile to drop him off. I've never ridden in temps below 40 degrees, so yesterday's 30-degree ride was a bit brisker than I'm used to. I need to learn how to dress for winter riding.

Don't forget, if you take a ride this month, be sure to capture it, upload it to Instagram and tag it #everydayonabike. You can find me @sarastruckman. If you post a picture in January, your name will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card. For an additional entry, comment on this post about why you ride in the winter.

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